Summer has arrived and, along with it, the season of festivals and open-air dances. If you are looking for something different and would like to visit a unique geo-destination, take note of the following dates, and come to Mar de Santiago to enjoy all its summer events.
Summer Sonatas, in Vilanova
We begin the summer season with an extensive musical programme organised by Concello de Vilanova de Arousa (Vilanova de Arousa Town Council) for the following two months. The first event will take place this Friday, June 30th, with an open-air dance featuring the orchestras París de Noia and Ritmo Joven in Pazo de Vista Real, from 11 pm onwards.

In addition to other cultural activities for all the family, which you can see in the programme, it is worth mentioning the Festa do Mexillón e do Berberecho (Mussel and Cockle Festival). This event will take place from August 10th-13th. Apart from the gastronomic aspect, there will be concerts featuring well-known artists such as De Vacas (August 12th) and Roi Casal (August 13th), the musician from Catoira who composed the soundtrack for the Mar de Santiago geo-destination.
“El Carmen” Festival, in Pontecesures
For its part, Pontecesures continues to pay tribute to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The procession in her honour will take place on Sunday, July 2nd, after solemn mass. The following month will feature many festivities, some of which are still being planned.
Viking Assault, in Catoira
For its part, Concello de Catoira (Catoira Town Council) will organise once again the Asalto Vikingo (Viking Assault) on the first weekend in August. This is the only Festival of International Tourist Interest held in Mar de Santiago, being well known for its singular trip back in time to recreate the Normal invasions of the fort known as Torres de Oeste.

The programme will run from August 1st-6th, with the most important event being held on Sunday, August 6th. At 12.30 pm there will be a dramatization of the Viking Landing, during which Catoira’s residents, dressed in attire from Norman times, will sail up the Ulla River in their long boats to assault what was known as Compostela’s old fort.
Local Eau-de-vie and Eel Festival, en Valga
The summer celebrations will come to an end with the Festa Anguía e Mostra da Caña do País (Local Eau-de-vie and Eel Festival), which will be held from August 24th-26th in Valga. Featuring an extensive programme of activities, there will be traditional eau-de-vie competitions and tastings of different recipes based on this municipal district’s dish par excellence: eel.

And this Saturday, July 1st, a Youth Festival will be held on the Vilarello river beach. A full day of cultural activities for young people, ending with performances by Sés and América de Vigo from 11 pm onwards.
Mar de Santiago offers you the most entertaining summer! Come and visit us!