Mar de Santiago has been chosen by the State Secretariat for Tourism (SETUR), by means of SEGITTUR (Mercantile Company for Managing Innovation and Tourist Technologies), as one of 5 Spanish destinations that will join this year the Model of Sustainable Innovation in Agro-Tourism Experiences (MISEA). As part of Spain’s Network of Smart Destinations (DTI in Spanish), the geo-destination (made up of Vilanova de Arousa, Catoira, Valga, and Pontecesures) will be the object of study for developing a Promotion Plan for the creation and marketing of agro-tourism experiences aimed at promoting the region.
This project will enable us to innovate and diversify the initiatives available in our geo-destination for visitors, thereby helping to overcome the seasonal nature of our tourism. It will also favour the promotion of the primary sector, one of the main pillars of our region’s economy, committing ourselves to quality tourist experiences centred on people.
Actions to be carried out
Thanks to SEGITTUR, a series of actions will be implemented during the last quarter of the year:
- An analysis of the region’s situation with regard to the development of agro-tourism experiences
- Raising awareness regarding the tourist eco-system and the primary sector
After these initial steps, we will continue with the design of a Promotion Plan, which will serve as a roadmap for implementing the Model of Sustainable Innovation in Agro-Tourism Experiences (MISEA) promoted by SETUR, with the corresponding advice and technical support being provided for the agency managing the geo-destination.
In order to boost our commitment to this tourism model, specific training will be offered to companies in Pontecesures, Valga, Catoira, and Vilanova de Arousa regarding the creation of agro-tourism experiences. As in the previous case, advice and technical support will be provided with a view to their development. This will range from individual mentoring, with personalised technical assistance for companies participating in the training or that have been selected due to their profile, to the preparation of a plan to create agro-tourism experiences.
Promotion Plan for creating tourist experiences
Once this entire process has been completed, probably by the end of the year, the geo-destination will have a Promotion Plan for creating tourist experiences based on the primary sector. It will also have a network of companies prepared to initiate the marketing of competitive agro-tourism experiences, thereby enhancing the range of tourist products. Finally, this will consolidate the geo-destination’s link with the DTI Network’s Rural Tourism Working Party and its incorporation into SEGITTUR’s Catalogue of Agro-Tourism Experiences.
Last year, Mar de Santiago joined the Network of Smart Tourist Destinations (DTI Network), which now has 618 members. Of this total, 437 are tourist destinations, 87 are institutions, and the remaining 91 are companies.