The Stone Car
The Stone Car
Parque do Coche de Pedra 36640 Pontecesures, Pontevedra
GPS coordinates
Longitude: 42.72194816397961
Latitude: -8.652723224544705
One of the most singular events in Pontecesures’ modern history, held precisely in the year when it was established as an independent municipality, was an original second-hand car show.
In that year, 1925, two real visionaries, the local doctor Don Víctor García Lozano and the businessman Don Eugenio Escudero, organised this show –the first of its kind in Spain– following the example of the one held in Leipzig (Germany). The event was an outstanding success and was held again in 1926, 1950 and 1954.
This curious monument commemorates that initiative with a granite replica of the Renault Freder with registration number PO-02, which was the first petrol vehicle in Galicia and participated in the first two events.