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Mar de Santiago

Vilarello River Beach

  • Playa Fluvial de Vilarello
  • Playa Fluvial de Vilarello
  • Playa Fluvial de Vilarello
  • Playa Fluvial de Vilarello

Lugar Vilarello - Cordeiro s/n 36645 Valga, Pontevedra

GPS coordinates

Longitude: 42.70681718961673

Latitude: -8.705982373545071

Located near the mouth of the Ulla River, where it flows into the Ría de Arousa, it is a habitat of great environmental value, featuring an extensive wetland and its associated fauna. It forms part of the Ulla–Deza River System SCI, which is included in the Natura 2000 Network.
There is an extensive range of leisure and recreational installations, including a cafeteria, barbecue area with tables and benches, children’s playground, area for camping vehicles, etc, as well as an extensive bathing area with grass, trees that provide shade and even an outdoor auditorium.



Rúa Baixa s/n. Valga (Pontevedra)