The best way of enjoying rare views and different perspectives along Mar de Santiago is undoubtedly on board the boats that tour this sea-river route. After setting sail from the port of Vilanova de Arousa (Pontevedra province), you’ll get a close-up look at singular, and even protected, spots that are not accessible on foot. Don’t miss:
- Ría de Arousa, one of Galicia’s most outstanding estuaries featuring internationally renowned resources, is the first of our recommendations. Contemplate the great variety of platforms just a few metres from your boat, which produce the best-tasting mussels belonging to the Protected Designation of Origin “Mexillón de Galicia.” Enjoy the landscape of the capricious coastline in this area, where the Atlantic’s saltwater merges with the freshwater of the Ulla River.
- At the point where the provinces of Pontevedra and A Coruña meet, the “ría” (estuary) reveals one of its greatest secrets, which can only be appreciated on board: the mouth of the Ulla River. Here, where the Galician river enters the sea, it forms an extensive cove that opens up to the “ría” in a magnificent natural spectacle of great ecological value.
- The “brañas” of the Ulla River are wetlands renowned for their natural value that form part of the Natura 2000 Network, in the municipalities of Valga and Pontecesures. The native fauna, featuring numerous types of birds such as wild ducks, grey herons, Eurasian hoopoes, the golden colours, the impossible shapes formed by the marshes… make up a scene that you shouldn’t miss.
- The Torres del Oeste from the perspective of the Viking long ships that tried to enter Galicia along the river. The majesty and beauty of Compostela’s old fort.
- Finally, contemplate the details of Pontecesures’ Roman bridge from the water, the last stop before undertaking the Camino on foot again, as far as our destination: Santiago de Compostela.
Sailing along Mar de Santiago is an experience that is difficult to forget, bringing us into contact with the essence of a Galician destination that has still to be discovered. The Original Way followed by the first pilgrims, a route taking us back to the natural heritage of Vilanova de Arousa, Catoira, Valga and Pontecesures. Discover it!